1Faiyum, Egypt

Faiyum, located southwest of Cairo, is one of Egypt’s oldest cities, with a history that stretches back to the time of the Pharaohs. The city was originally founded around an oasis in the desert and became a thriving center during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (circa 2,000 BCE).

Today, Faiyum offers visitors a chance to explore ancient pyramids, temples, and the remains of Greco-Roman cities. The city’s rich history, combined with its natural beauty, makes it a unique destination for those interested in Egypt’s past beyond the usual tourist sites. From the ancient monuments of the Pharaohs to the tranquil waters of Lake Qarun, Faiyum provides a peaceful and historical retreat.

Traveling to the oldest cities in the world is like opening a history book that spans thousands of years. These cities are more than just places on a map; they are living testaments to human endurance, culture, and innovation.
