6The Cuisine of Matera

Matera’s cuisine is a reflection of its history and the fertile land of Basilicata. Traditional dishes are rustic and hearty, often featuring locally sourced ingredients. Don’t miss the chance to savor some of Matera’s culinary delights.

  • Pane di Matera: This rustic bread is made with semolina flour and has a distinctive, crusty exterior and soft interior. It’s often served with local cheeses and olive oil.
  • Cavatelli: A type of pasta made from durum wheat semolina, cavatelli is typically served with a rich tomato sauce and grated pecorino cheese.
  • Lucanica Sausage: This savory sausage is a regional specialty and is often enjoyed grilled or in pasta dishes.
  • Peperoni Cruschi: These are dried, crispy peppers that add a delightful crunch to many local dishes.
  • Aglianico Wine: Basilicata is known for producing excellent Aglianico wine, a robust red variety that pairs wonderfully with local cuisine.