The North Sentinel Island

Situated in the Bay of Bengal, North Sentinel Island is not affected by modern civilization and considered to be the hardest place to visit in the world.

The island is inhabited by the Sentinelese tribe, which is known to be headhunters.

The Lascaux Cave

The Lascaux Cave is among the most isolated sites in Southern France where Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens Sapiens coexisted 30,000 years ago.

The wall surfaces served as a perfect canvass to draw images like bear rhinoceros, lions, elks, bison, deer, and horses with abstract marks.

Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro is more than just a public transport in Russia as it can be considered as the underground palace. This destination speaks a lot about the Soviet past and built to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.

The Ise Grand shrine

Built way back the 3rd century, the Ise Grand Shrine is the most sacred Shinto shrine in Japan.

Consists of more than 125 shrines, Naiku and Geku bing the main shrines, only the members of the Japanese imperial family or related priests or priestess can visit it.

East Rennell, Solomon islands

This place is known to be the largest raised coral atoll in the world and hosts a high level of endemism. It was believed that the Papuan-speaking settlers arrived around 30,000 BC, while the locals and tribes are said to be headhunters.

Easter Island, Chile

Located in the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is one of the world’s most remote places, and the isolated inhabitants are what makes its ancient culture unique.
Clear evidence of human presence was found by researchers that include tools, charcoals, and bones, with some of them come from rats.

Ilha da Queimada Grande, or Snake Island

Known for its snake population and situated off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil, only a few scientists can go into this island. Golden lancehead snakes, one of the world’s deadliest serpents, are nesting on this island.

Proveglia, Italy

For the past centuries, Poveglia serves as the dumping ground or a place of exile for diseased, dying, and deceased.

The military campaign of Napoleon relied on defendable position and ghostly legends to protect the stores of weapons and gunpowder.