Born Gaius Octavius, Augustus is known as the founder of the Roman Empire, and a move away from the old Roman Republic and its first emperor. He reigned from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD. The Senate changed his name to “Augustus” in honor of his great achievements.
When the conspiracy behind the assassination of Julius Caesar came to light, Augustus went on to avenge his death along with Caesar’s closest ally Mark Antony. He later had a falling-out with Antony, and showing great strength of character, he went on to defeat Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra in battle, thus securing his path to glory. Despite continual opposition, Augustus stood strong and his reign laid the foundations of a regime that lasted for nearly 1,500 years through to the ultimate decline of the Western Roman Empire. Together with the Roman Senate, he scripted a new constitution for the great Roman Empire over which he ruled wisely, building roads, aqueducts, and many famous buildings. He remains to this day the most famous and wise Roman emperor of them all.