Located in the Hunza Valley of northern Pakistan, the Hussaini Hanging Bridge is often considered the most dangerous bridge in the world.
This bridge, made of thin wooden planks and frayed cables, sways precariously over the Hunza River. While the views of the surrounding mountains are breathtaking, the gaps between the planks and the constant threat of the cables snapping make crossing this bridge a heart-stopping experience. The Hussaini Bridge is still used by locals despite the risk, adding to its fearsome reputation.
Painting is an ancient medium and even with the introduction of photography, film and digital technology, it still has remained a persistent mode of expression. So many paintings have been limned over dozens of millennia that only a relatively small percentage of them could be construed as "timeless classics" that have become familiar to the public—and not coincidentally produced by some of the most famous artists of all time. We, of course, have our opinion of what makes the grade and we present them here in our list of the best paintings of all time.