Building a road to reach a village that was previously virtually unreachable seems admirable. But the resulting Guoliang Tunnel Road to the village of Guoliang is also very dangerous. The construction itself was also dangerous, as it took five years and plenty of explosives to create the road.
Part of the danger of this road comes from its construction. No one is sure how structurally sound it is. That is concerning given that it is 600 meters at its tallest point and just 3.5 meters wide. It is also only 5.4 meters high. For some perspective, this means that two cars can barely pass each other. The road spans 0.75 miles or 1.2 kilometers. On top of the questions about its structural soundness, the area is at risk of natural issues. There are no lights or guardrails. The area is prone to rockfalls and has plenty of trenches. This area is also prone to mudslides, extreme fog, and general slippery conditions.