1Villa Farnesina

Villa Farnesina, located in the Trastevere district, is a Renaissance villa known for its stunning frescoes by artists such as Raphael, Sebastiano del Piombo, and Baldassare Peruzzi.  

The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche, painted by Raphael and his workshop, is particularly famous for its vibrant and detailed depiction of the mythological tale. The villa’s gardens and its serene setting along the Tiber River add to its charm. Often overshadowed by the grander palaces and museums in Rome, Villa Farnesina offers an intimate and enriching experience for art and history enthusiasts.

Rome is a city that continually reveals its secrets, offering hidden gems that go beyond its well-known attractions. From serene gardens and historic churches to unique neighborhoods and ancient roads, these overlooked spots provide a deeper and more intimate connection to the Eternal City. Exploring these hidden treasures allows visitors to experience the rich tapestry of Rome’s history, culture, and everyday life, making any trip to this timeless city truly unforgettable.
